lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

por lau.gar.bes

6 comentarios:

  1. Great. It´s a fantastic job. It´s funny AGS 3ºB

  2. Great. It´s a fantastic job. It´s funny AGS 3ºB

  3. Is very good job, but you must notice mas the topic of the bullyng. AGR 3ºB

  4. I like so much your idea, the way that explain the mistreat to the womens.The only mistake was the last cartoon you can move the ballons but i like it.

  5. Good job Laura. It's fantastic I love it. It's funny AGS 3B

  6. It's very funny and nice! But in the last cartoon the extructure of the ballons is not very good... I'd like your idra about the sexism. If you mestreat a woman, you are also mestreat yourself!!! Good. RTV3B
